The Kyrgyz Republic, a landlocked and mountainous country in Central Asia famous for the outdoor adventure by foot, on a bicycle, and on horseback which has significant potential for the expansion of its agriculture sector, hydroelectricity production, and tourism industry, is unveiled as the 65th nation of the DeNations. (sale starts at UTC 3:00 AM September 23rd, 2021)
The sale price is based on 2019 GDP while the tax rate you receive is based on current DGDP.
Search volume increase by 66.06% in the last 30 days compared to 2019
For the first 10 days only, you can be the owner of Kyrgyzstan at 50% discount. Only 100 limited quantities will be released in the first round and the price will go up in 10 days so hurry. Moreover, owners of 1st round can receive the Founder Tax for 2nd round.