Argentina, will be released as DeNations’ 34th nation

Jul 1, 2021


Argentina, the world’s eighth-largest country with spectacular natural wonders (glaciers of Patagonia and beautiful waterfall in Iguazu) and famous for being the birthplace of Tango, is unveiled as the 34th nation of the DeNations. (sale starts at 8:00 UTC, July 1st, 2021)

For the first 10 days only, you can be the owner of Argentina at a 50% discount. Only 100 limited quantities will be released in the first round and the price will go up in 10 days so hurry. Moreover, owners of 1st round can receive the Founder Tax for 2nd round.

The sale price is based on 2019 GDP while the tax rate you receive is based on current DGDP.

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Ensuring SMTS utility value of 0.001 USD
Ensuring DENA utility value of 15 USD

