Stake DENA and get Ownership NFTs!
DENA Staking Pool to receive DNFT (DeNations Nation Founding Token) will be open soon. Get your DENA ready.
500 DNFT per Week
A total of 500 DNFT (DeNations Nation Founding Token) will be distributed equally over the week in proportion to the amount of DENA staked. The weekly rate may be adjusted to a higher number.
1 DNFT =~ 1 DGDP
With earned 100 DNFT, you may exchange approximately 100 DGDP worth of Nations Ownership. However, there might be exceptions.
DNFT Mintable (Buyable) Nations
100 DNFT per 1 DeNation Ownership
50 DeNations Ownership NFTs will be allocated for the start, priced at 100 DNFT per 1 DeNations Ownership. We may add more exotic Nation Ownerships buyable /exclusively buyable with DNFT.