[Teaser] Mint NFT with DENA

Jul 23, 2021


Stake DENA and get Ownership NFTs!

DENA Staking Pool to receive DNFT (DeNations Nation Founding Token) will be open soon. Get your DENA ready.

500 DNFT per Week

A total of 500 DNFT (DeNations Nation Founding Token) will be distributed equally over the week in proportion to the amount of DENA staked. The weekly rate may be adjusted to a higher number.

1 DNFT =~ 1 DGDP

With earned 100 DNFT, you may exchange approximately 100 DGDP worth of Nations Ownership. However, there might be exceptions.

DNFT Mintable (Buyable) Nations

100 DNFT per 1 DeNation Ownership

50 DeNations Ownership NFTs will be allocated for the start, priced at 100 DNFT per 1 DeNations Ownership. We may add more exotic Nation Ownerships buyable /exclusively buyable with DNFT.



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