Level 1 Land MInt Pass x 10 (Invincible Donut)
Level 1 Land Mint Pass x 7 (LOST)
Level 1 Land Mint Pass x 3 (National Anthem)
Earn Profits with DeNations Art Farming
When owners register DeNations Art NFTs, they will receive a token reward (in DENA) depending on the Art Index and the registration time. Art Farming rewards is paid out every 2 weeks.
Art Index of DeNations’ Art NFTs
Invincible Donut = 6,000 Art Index (1,200 per edition)
LOST National Flag = 3,000 Art Index
National Anthem = 3,000 Art Index (500 per edition)
e.g. Art Farming Rewards for 6000 Art Index = 65.7 DENA (Approximately $232)
Art owner with 6,000 Art Index earns $464 per month
DeNations Art Chain APY
Along with the Art DGDP Boosting update, APY of the DeNations Art Chain is updated. Please check out & purchase the Art NFT to enjoy benefits.
Invincible Donut: 314.41%
LOST National Flag: 258.30%
National Anthem: 266.33%
Enter the Gleam event -> 2nd Land Mint Pass Airdrop Event
Airdrop event ONLY 4DAYS LEFT!