DENA Utility Price Policy

2 min readMay 26, 2021


This policy will be obsolete as of Monday (30th Aug)

DENA’s minimum utility value increase policy

  • As DeNations’ economy increase, the minimum utility value of DENA will increase accordingly.
  • Total Value Locked in DeNations (USD) = Total Registered DGDP + Total Value Locked in DENA liquidity pool

Total Registered DGDP = the value of registered Ownership NFTs

TVL in DENA liquidity pool = (value in DENA & ETH liquidity pool)+(value in DENA & DAI liquidity pool)

Benefits of increased DENA utility price

  • DeNations’ newly issued NFTs can be bought with several coins, including ETH, SMTS, and DENA.
  • We guarantee the minimum utility value of DENA when setting the price of the newly minted NFTs to DENA.
  • We want to support DENA’s value and the development of DeNations by this policy.

For example…

Suppose that the DENA Utility Value is $10. The first weekly sale price of the Nation ownership NFT card of France, released by the DeNations’ Initial Nations Offering (INO), is 287 USD. Thus, the price of the Nation ownership NFT card of France, which can be purchased by DENA, is set at 28.7 DENA (287 USD/10 USD). Therefore, it is advantageous to purchase NFT cards using DENA over other coins if the price of DENA is less than 10 USD.

Check the current minimum DENA utility price

Check the price of DENA at the Coinmarketcap



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