Announcement: 2,000 DeNations(DN) Ownership NFT Cards(USD 20) will be released!

2 min readFeb 11, 2021


2,000 DeNations(DN) Ownership NFT Cards(USD 20) will be released!(2021.02.11 8:00 UTC)

Run your own nations and cities in DeNations!

DeNations is a metaverse, which is influenced by real world’s events, news, and the economy. You can make real money by trading and collecting taxes(yield) with Nation Ownership NFT cards.

What you need to know

Tax: tax in DeNations refers to basic income that you can get with your Nation Ownership NFT cards.
You will get paid in ‘DENA’, which is DeNations’ official currency. The more your nation’s economy grows, the more you can get paid.

Newly released DeNations(DN) Ownership NFT cards allow you to have ownership of DeNations.

If you have DeNations(DN) Ownership NFT cards

-You will get 0.8% of tax from all countries in DeNations.
- Combining your Nation Ownership NFT card with a DeNations(DN) Ownership NFT card, you can increase your Nation Ownership NFT card’s DGDP by 20%
-You can be elected secretary-general of DeNation(DN) by registering the most DN cards.
-If you are a secretary-general of DeNations(DN), you will get 0.2% of tax from all countries in DeNations.

The number of DeNations(DN) Ownership cards are limited, and it is minted with DeNations’ growth.
2,000 cards are minted at genesis. As the number of cards registered in DeNations increases , additional DN cards are minted, and when the number of cards registered in the DeNations exceeds 100,000, DN cards are no longer issued and the total number of DN cards will be 10,000.

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