12 Nations are added for Minting with DNFT token

Dec 23, 2021


We recently added 12 nation ownership NFTs for minting with DNFT. Now, you can mint nations with higher DGDPs by using DNFT token.

Newly added nations:
1. Spain
2. Canada
3. Mexico
4. Netherlands
5. The United Arab Emirates
6. Thailand
7. Austria
8. Poland
9. Malaysia
10. Belgium
11. Norway
12. Argentina

Don’t have DNFT? Farm DNFT token with DENA
: https://finance.denations.com/#/nft

1) Exchange DENA at Dcoin Exchange or Uniswap
2) Deposit DENA Token at https://finance.denations.com/#/nft
3) Earn DNFT weekly

Mint nation ownership NFT with DNFT
: https://denations.typeform.com/to/VPHHZ5be



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